Starship Academy is a multiplayer 3D/WebVR first-person shooter game built with Aframe and Be the best and blast off, Cadet!
Tennis Game Clone is an old school tennis game inspired by Atari that was built using Javascript and HTML5 Canvas. Who will be victorious? is a digital agency website that was built with Bootstrap, HTML5, and CSS3. is hot, new, trend-setting, and Generation X-ennial.
Millionaire Estates Millionaire Estates is a mock real estate app landing page built using Bootstrap. Our motto is "Million dollar quality, million dollar results."
Fancy TipCalc is a fancy dancy tip calculator app made just for you. Use it to figure out your tip with class. This app was built with Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. Chic!
Giphy Search Engine was built using React and Node.js. Calm down folks, it's just a simple application here. No need to go crazy!!! Please, line up to view this app in an orderly fashion.